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The Foodwifery Project


The basis for the Table Transformation Course was a sweet little thing Laurie had posted on her refrigerator to help her create her real food meals.  This sweet little thing is The Kitchen Magnet. 


Enjoy the How to Use the Kitchen Magnet class below and watch how the it really connects the dots on real food cooking!


The Table Transformation Class (TTC) was a bounding success by members in almost every state in North America, along with many countries around the world.


Once Foodwifery students mastered the basics of the TTC, they demanded more.  Together, Laurie and Jamie along with the entire Foodwifery crew made 6 of the most requested classes.  Enjoy those, below!

Last but certainly not least is our most extensive class.  The one where we walk through the budget and the cupboards of Jamie to give an example of how one person balances her families food budget in order to provide real, healing food on her family table. 

How to run a traditional kitchen icon-mi
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