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Introduction To Fizzy Drinks

To understand the benefits of Fizzy Drinks—once again—-knowledge of our traditional food heritage is priceless.


Throughout the world, lactic-acid drinks were valued for their medicinal, health-strengthening properties. They were even considered superior to water for their ability to satiate the body during physical exercise or labor. Modern science confirms that liquids containing naturally-dilute sugars and naturally-formed mineral ions (electrolytes), are absorbed faster than plain water.


The modern habits of consuming high-sugar sports drinks, soft drinks, and alcoholic beverages are poor alternatives for fizzy drinks. Whether taken alone or with meals, these lactic acid drinks are both delicious and satisfying, supplying the body with a refreshing boost. Why drink anything less?


The practice of consuming fizzy drinks will go far to promoting health at your table, and should be practiced daily. These powerful drinks are entirely natural, and work WITH your body’s systems by contributing enzymes, lacic-acid and lactobacilli to thoroughly assimilat of food.


Consider this quote from a famous piece of American history/literature:


“Ma had sent them ginger-water. She had sweetened the cool well-water with sugar, flavored it with vinegar, and put in plenty of ginger to warm their stomachs so they could drink till they were not thirsty. Ginger-water would not make them sick, as plain cold water would when they were so hot.”

– (Laura Ingalls Wilder – The Long Winter)


The practice of consuming fizzy drinks will go far to promoting health at your table, and should be practiced daily. These powerful drinks are entirely natural, and work WITH your body’s systems by contributing enzymes, lactic-acid and lactobacilli to thoroughly assimilate your nutrient-dense food.

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