The Basics
Raising Chickens for Your Own Eggs
Getting the best eggs might mean raising your own chickens, and it doesn’t take much to raise chickens. You don’t have to be a farmer.
If you want 6 eggs a day, you’re looking at 1 hen per each egg laid, though that varies based on season and the individual hen.
And, raising chickens is great for children. It’s a great teaching tool for kids to learn where their eggs are coming from, and how to properly raise and treat animals.
If you’re serious about knowing the quality of your eggs, consider raising your own chickens.
Using The Kitchen Magnet
When Jamie and I started planning this class, we pooled all of our egg books.
But, we quickly put them away because we realize the best way to plan eggs is to go with the kitchen magnet.
Using the kitchen magnet, you can combine real ingredients with real eggs to create a wide variety of delicious meals for your family.
We’re going to show you what to do if you have just eggs, and then we’ll demonstrate what to do with 2 or more ingredients.
The Real Egg Difference
We understand that there is a nutritional difference in the quality of real eggs. Eggs that come from pastured chickens that have access to plentiful sunshine and bugs, with the freedom to run the range, produce nutritionally superior eggs.
These eggs are higher in many of the vitamins and minerals our bodies need.
But, to illustrate the point further — here is what a pastured, organic egg looks like compared to a factory-farm grocery store egg:

You’ll notice that the organic, farm-fresh egg (left) is a considerably richer orange, whereas the factory-farm grocery store egg (right) is a pale yellow.
Another key difference is that the pastured organic egg is much more resilient than the grocery store egg.
When tossed high in the air, the organic egg maintains its shape. When just lightly tossed, the grocery store egg falls apart.