How To Make Nut Butters and Milks
Nut Butters

Nut butters make excellent sandwich spreads, and also go well in many desserts (cookies, anyone?).
To make your own, the process is simple: Once you’ve soaked/dried your nuts, place them in a food processor or high-powered blender. Blend until consistency of nut butter.
Yes, it’s that easy.
Optional: Blend with up to 1 TBS of honey or 1/2 tsp of salt for every 2 cups.
Place in a glass container, and store in your refrigerator (or use immediately).
Nut Milks
For nut milks (such as almond milk), soak your nuts overnight or up to 2 days. Instead of drying, rinse and do this:
For every one cup of nuts, add 2 cups of water in a food processor or blender and blend for 2 minutes.
Strain mixture through a fine mesh strainer into a bowl or glass jar. Your liquid in your bowl is your nut milk. The mixture in your strainer is nut meal.
You can use your nut meal in oatmeal, smoothies or muffins.
Store your nut milk in a glass container in the refrigerator. When serving, sweeten with a nutritional sweetener (such as honey) to taste.
(Also: try adding a date or two when blending for extra sweetness.)