Boone's Best Gravy - The Golden Gravy Ratio

A quick, simple gravy to pour over meat, rice, steamed vegetables, scrambled eggs, potatoes, sourdough bread, and more. Just remember the Golden Gravy Ratio: 1 TBS fat, 1 TBS flour, 1 cup liquid of your choice. Get creative and make the gravy your family likes best.
4 TBS traditional fat (butter, ghee, bacon grease)
4 TBS flour (rice flour if gluten-free)
4 cups bone broth
In a 12-inch cast iron skillet, melt 4 TBS traditional fat: butter, ghee bacon grease, chicken or beef fat, or drippings from pork sausage.
When liquid and bubbly, add in 4 TBS of a ground thickener. We prefer rice flour, but gluten or non-gluten flours work just as well. Stir flour and fat constantly until flour is browned and evenly bubbly.
Pour into pan slowly, a total of 4 cups liquid: all bone broth, or broth mixed with milk, water, or any leftover veggie juices.
Keep heat high enough to bring gravy to a boil and to reduce liquids and thicken. Continue to stir as it cooks.
This is a good time to add your seasonings. Salt and pepper work well enough. We also like a mixture of garlic powder and onion powder. Season to taste.
Cook until desired thickening, about 10 to 15 minutes; remove from heat, and pour into a small pitcher. This encourages your eaters to be generous with this delicious, satiating treat. Pour over meat, rice, steamed vegetables, scrambled eggs, potatoes, sourdough bread, etc.